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The EVOLUTION SOLAR DX boiler combines in a single set, the use of solar energy, with energy from the combustion of diesel.
This boiler uses solar radiation to heat a 250 liter tank, as well as another 130 liter accumulator, which can be heated by excess solar energy or by the reserve supply when there is not enough sunlight.
DX also adds savings and less consumption due to its condensation technology.

Main advantages:

    - Management of surplus solar radiation;
- Maximum use of solar energy;
- Space saving and ease of use;
- Energy efficiency (savings of 30% compared to a standard boiler);
- Savings in electrical consumption (up to 50%);
- Easy installation and maintenance.

Manufactured in the powers of 30.2Kw to 39.7Kw.

Hybrid Solar Boiler (Solar-Diesel) - Evolution Solar DX

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